How To Install Elder Scrolls Online Addons
It's not a secret that The Sims 4 is my main game but I do play other games as well. For example, Elder Scrolls Online. Even though I really love Tamriel & it's such a beautiful world, the colors can be. It always bothered me to be honest, until I decided to try ReShade on ESO. I've tried it on The Sims 4 several times in the past but I never liked it with that game. None of the presets made for The Sims 4 looked good with my monitor & I guess you could say that I was too lazy to manually adjust settings myself. But dont worry, ReShade is actually really easy to use if you use presets & it can make tons of difference in your game.Original:ReShade:You can download ReShade.Right click on it to install.
Select your game (C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Onlinegameclient eso64 for 64-bit), check Direct3D 10+ and you should be good to go.You can find tons of presets for ESO. I'm currently using. Place preset files into your ESO client folder (C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Onlinegameclient ) & you are ready to launch the game!Original:Ebonheart ReShade:When you are finally in the game & ReShade has loaded, press Shift + F2 and under the Settings tab select the preset you want to use. Congratulations, you are now ready to enjoy your new, a lot prettier, game!

Elder Scrolls Online Add-ons Skyshard
ByBy, in, March 29, 2014First you have to download the addons that you would like. The addons come in a zip format, which basically means they have been compressed to take up a smaller size, as well as organizing it in a folder structure.In this guide, we are presuming you know the basics of how to find files on your harddrive and we are describing it out of a Windows 8 perspective.Before you startBefore you start you will need some addons to install! A good place to look is. Download one or several addons to a location on your computer where you can find them again.Step 1: Locate 'My Documents'First we have to locate ' My Documents' - There is usually a shortcut to it under ' This PC'.In your 'My documents' folder, you will find a folder named ' Elder Scrolls Online'.In this folder, you will have one or two folders called ' live' and/or ' liveeu'.The 'live' folder is for the NA client, and the ' liveeu' is if you are using the EU client.Step 2: Create or locate 'AddOns'If you haven't got a folder called 'AddOns', one has to be created.
Elder Scrolls Online Mods Download
To create a folder, you right-click in the empty white space and choose 'New - Folder'.