Prince Of Persia Dos Download
Prince of Persia is an old platform dos game, published in 1990 by Broderbund Soft., Inc. Play Prince of Persia online here, for free! Prince of Persia game descriptionPrince of Persia is game by Jordan Mechner. In this game you will become a young prince which wants to save the princess from the evil sultan. You will need to go through 12 treacherous levels to free the princess.Prince of Persia is a 2D platformer that is commonly regarded as a progenitor of the cinematic platform genre. Rather than following the more common jump-and-run mechanics, it focuses on careful advancement through fairly complex levels, emphasizing the protagonist’s vulnerability and survival aspect.
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Rotoscoping technique is used to give more realism to the animation of the characters’ movements.The protagonist must avoid deadly traps, solve some simple jumping and environmental puzzles (such as stepping on pressure plates to raise portcullis), and engage in sword fights with the guards. The player character has an infinite amount of lives, but has to restart at the beginning of a level each time he dies, and must complete the game within an hour.
The hero starts with three units of health, which can be replenished with small health potions or permanently increased with large jars.Simple, but Palace dungeons which you will need to pass are covered with all kinds of traps. And you will not be alone in the dungeons. You will meet several guards.

The duels are not difficult if you know how to defense yourself.There are several kinds of potions in the game which can increase or decrease your health.Prince of Persia saves the princess!And the best of all, you have only one hour to finish this game. So I can guarantee that you will not finish game for the first time. Just because without level knowledge 60 minutes are really not enought. Play Prince of Persia onlinePlay Prince of Persia online here, for free!
Play Prince of Persia online in web browser now!
Prince of PersiaPlatform:Year:Developer:This page is for DOS release. For other games in the series see.Prince of Persia is an action-adventure game with strong puzzle elements.The story of this takes place in Persia somewhen in the Middle Ages. The old sultan had a daughter, which were beautiful for the sultan's grand vizier, Jaffar. But the princess loved only one man - nameless Prince, who is the main game character. One day Jaffar captured the throne with his magic. The Prince was imprisoned in the dungeons, and Jaffar put the princess for a choice - to marry him, or to die. And gave her only one real hour to choose.
One hour - it's the time you had to unchain yourself to run off the jail and save her. Or game will be over.The interesting feature of this game is the usage of rotoscopy for some game sprites (e.g. For Prince Jordan Mechner used his younger brother). This idea was also used in the game, coming 2 years later. FormatConversionDownload. Music were extracted from MIDISND1.DAT and MIDISND2.DAT files.
Prince Of Persia 1 Dos Download
Digital sounds were extracted from DIGISND1.DAT, DIGISND2.DAT and DIGISND3.DAT files. MT-32 sounds were extracted from MT32SND1.DAT and MT32SND2.DAT files. MT-32 patchset was extracted from PRINCE.DAT file.MFF and MFX file names were obtained from the title meta events. MT-32 patchset was injected into MIDI files, so it will be playable in player or on real Roland MT-32 synthesizer module. Digital sounds are in custom format which also converted to WAV.Audio DevicesMusicSound(Sources:, )Releases.