Resident Evil 5 Costume Unlocks
Resident Evil 5 Costume Unlocks Rating: 4,1/5 8660 votes
Resident Evil Revelations has a number of additional costumes which can be used in the RAID mode and in the campaign once the completed for the first time.
In Resident Evil 5, Chris has two costumes that are unlockable for the primary story mode.Chris’ Safari Outfit – To unlock this outfit, simply beat every misson on any difficulty.Chris’ S.T.A.R.S. Outfit – To unlock this outfit you have to beat every mission on any difficulty, and collect at least 25 during story mode.Once this criteria is met, you should see them as purchasable for 0 points in the Bonus Features section.

Resident Evil 5 Fairy Tale Costume Unlock Pc
Pathfinder core rulebook pdf. Once they are purchased, you will be able to select them in the Special Settings section.