Skyrim Imperial Armor Replacer
0 of 0. Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Installation:How to install manually or with NMM and activate in Skyrim launcher, click picture for full view.NO MORE CTD IN SHOWRACEMENU!

Skyrim Imperial Heavy Armor Retexture
(Crash To Desktop)RaceMenu by Expired lets you have hundreds of hairs installed without giving CTD in showracemenu.requires SKSESkyrim Script Extender (SKSE) to change the hair on your existing character:On PC, open console(`) and type showracemenu -enter- It brings up the character customization menu.- Make sure you are in the third person view before editing your character, otherwise you will be invisible, and unable to see the changes made on your charactershowracemenu- will NOT modify your attributes/skills/points/etc.