Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Download Completo

Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Download Completo Rating: 4,1/5 6382 votes

Zoo Tycoon 2 is one of the best economic simulation games that has been launched in the last decade. This game places the player in the position of a zoo director, having to take all the decisions that have to do with it: choose the animals, buy new buildings and, even, to hire zookeepers and other employees.Since it was launched, Zoo Tycoon 2 has received three major expansions, one of which was Marine Mania, that allowed the player to manage an independent oceanographic institute or to add sea animals to his/her zoo, including belugas, turtles, manta ray and manatee.Marine Mania was the first game in the saga to include mini games (Training and Shows).

Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania Download

In the training mini-games, the player has to show tricks to different animals, ranging from showing the dolphins to perform acrobatic jumps to teaching the sea lions to play with a ball, while in the show the player has to decide which of the previous tricks the animals are going to perform for the crowd.So, if you want to enjoy a game in which you'll be able to take full control of an oceanographic institute with sea lions, dolphins, sharks and killer whales, download and try out Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania.

Download Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania Full Version - Hai sahabat semuanya, kali ini saya akan share Expansion Zoo Tycoon 2 yaitu Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania. Zoo Tycoon 2 merupakan games yang menceritakan pengelolaan dan pemelihaaran kebun binatang. Nah di Expansion Marine Mania banyak terdapat Fitur terbaru, berikut FiturnyaFitur Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania:.

Project Software-ProjectPlan-IT (PDF).

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Biome Khusu Hewan Laut. Binatang laut, Seperti Lumba-lumba, Hiu, Penyu dan masih banyak lagi.

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Objek bertema laut dan bajak laut. Akuarium/Pagar khusus hewan laut. bisa melatih dan membuat pertunjukan lumba-lumba,paus orca dan hewan lainnya.


Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania Download Free

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