Wow Assassination Rogue Mage Tower
In WoW Classic, poisons are an essential aspect of gameplay for the rogue class. Poisons do have a skill level similar to professions, but it is not a traditional profession and is only available to rogues.
In this guide, we’ll explain what poisons do and why they are critical to helping rogues reach their full potential!Poisons are the most unique profession in the game due to their limited availability, purpose, and ease of leveling. Poisons themselves are a consumable that is applied directly to a main and off hand weapon.
Doing this provides the rogue with added damage or additional utility.Calling poisons a profession is almost bizarre. The sole purpose of poisons as a profession is to create consumable poisons.
The skill does have levels up to 300, but your skill cap is equal to five times your character’s level. Did I mention that every required material to create poisons can be purchased from a vendor?Despite that, your poisons skill level does still matter. Most of the poisons you’ll use have different ranks you’ll learn to create them. Each new rank requires a higher skill level, but makes the poison more potent. This does mean that you’ll actually need to raise your poisons level, but it is quite likely it will raise naturally as you create them to use for everyday gameplay.
Learning PoisonsJust like any other profession, poisons do need to be learned by a rogue before any can be created. You’ll actually do this by completing a quest that is unlocked at level 20.While the quest does become available at level 20, you probably won’t be strong enough to finish it by yourself. On top of the character level requirement, you’ll also need to raise your lockpicking skill to at least level 70 as well.Once you reach level 24, you’ll unlock another quest that allows you to purchase poisons directly from a vendor. Each faction has a different quest to complete, look for either the or section below. Poison Quests Guide Alliance Poison QuestlineThe Alliance questline is short and easy, although you might have issues killing a level 24 elite in the second quest.
You’ll visiting Duskwood and Westfall for the majority of the questline. Make sure you have at least 70 lockpicking before you start. Go the SI:7 Headquarters in Stormwind to speak with Master Mathias Shaw.
Accept the quest: Mathias and the Defias. Head to southern Westfall and speak with Agent Kearnen.
Mage Tower Appearances
Accept the quest: Klaven’s Tower. You’ll need to steal the Defias Tower Key from a Malformed Drone, a level 23 monster near the entrance. Climb the tower until you run into Klaven, a level 24 elite humanoid. If you’re level 24 or higher, you can sap Klaven and open the chest without killing him. Otherwise, kill him and loot the chest. Head back to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.
You’ll now have the ability to buy poisons. You can complete the next, option quest: Touch of Zanzil to cure it, or ask a priest to dispel you.Horde Poison QuestlineThe Horde questline is much tougher and you’ll likely need help to kill a level 23 elite midway through. Most of the quest takes part in The Barrens, but you’ll also need to travel to Hillsbrad Foothills to finish up.
Don’t forget to level your lockpicking up to at least 70 so you can open Gallywix’s lockbox. First you’ll want to head to Orgrimmar and speak with Shenthul. He is also the rogue class trainer.
Accept the quest: The Shattered Salute. Perform the salute as indicated to complete the quest. Accept the second quest: Deep Cover. Head to the northeastern part of The Barrens to reach The Sludge Fen. Once you can see Venture Co. Tower, use your flare gun quest item twice.
After firing twice, use your /salute command while targeting Taskmaster Fizzule. Make sure you followed the last two steps exactly, otherwise Fizzule will kill you.
Accept the third quest: Mission: Possible But Not Probable. Proceed to kill 2 each of the following: Mutated Venture Co. Drone, Venture Co. Lookout, Venture Co.
Patroller. Pickpocket Silixiz’s key from Foreman Silixiz.
Next you’ll need to kill Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix. You will likely need help as he is a level 23 elite monster! Don’t forget to loot his head. Proceed to use your lockpicking skill (level 70 lockpicking required) to open Gallywix’s lockbox to steal the Cache of Zanzil’s Altered Mixture.
Head back to Shenthul in Orgrimmar to turn in the quest. You’ll received a 7-day poison debuff after turning in the quest, which can be cured through completion of the next quest. Accept the fourth quest: Hinott’s Assistance. Head to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills to speak with Serge Hinott. You’ll have the poison removed and gain the ability to create poisons!Poison Types. – does damage over a period of time (DOT), which can stack.
– does an instant burst of damage. – does damage, but also makes heals less effective on the target. – slows an enemy’s movement speed. – delays an enemy’s spell cast.Raising Skill LevelYour poisons profession is very simple to level up. All materials you need can be purchased from a. You can also buy them from reagent vendors. Alternatively, they can be collected from junkboxes you’ll find whilst pickpocketing.Because your poisons level cap is dictated by your character level, you’ll more than likely reach the skill cap at some point during each level.
Poisons last for an hour, so you’ll need likely need hundreds as you journey to level 60.Your skill cap is calculated by multiplying your character level by five. If you’re level 20, your cap would be 100, but that is the only time you’ll really need to grind out any skill levels. Leveling your poisons is as simple as opening your poisons profession skill, seeing what materials you need, and purchasing them directly from a Shady Vendor.Because you can easily make or buy poisons, you might wonder if there is a point to raising your poisons level. The answer is yes, because higher skill levels are required to level higher ranks of each poison.
The Mage Tower Chalenge is now always active until the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch! Players that have at least 35 traits on their Artifact can work on solo challenges for an Artifact Appearance.rrThe Battle for Azeroth pre-expansion patch date is July 17th (US) / July 18th (EU). When the pre-patch hits, the Mage Tower Challenge can't be completed, so you have limited time left.
Learn more about other top things removed in 8.0, and if you've enjoyed learning new classes for the Mage Tower, check out how classes are changing in BFA.rrrrAs these appearances are quite striking for transmog and will not be obtainable after the BFA pre-patch, we've put together a guide for preparing for the Mage Tower Challenges on new players.rrWe are also excited to announce that we have a complete set of thirty-six guides for all Artifact Challenges. These guides are meant to supplement our great user comments for the challenges, and cover recommended legendaries, talents, consumables, and gear, as well as spec-specific tips for each part of the challenge. They are all linked below, as well as on the sidebar of any class guide page, and on the Challenging Artifact Weapon Appearances guide. RrIf you are looking for mods for all challenges, Deadly Boss Mods has you covered.rrIf you would like our class guide writers to tackle another topic, let us know in the comments! Commento di Zamarinon 2017-05-19T16:39:53-05:00Outstanding:)Commento di Funkthulhuon 2017-05-19T16:48:10-05:00Resto Shaman link goes to 'Page not found'Commento di Miskomoonon 2017-05-19T17:00:08-05:00Ret Pally link is broken, too.Commento di perculiaon 2017-05-19T17:08:10-05:00Resto shaman, ret paladin, and disc priest links should be fixed now!Commento di IntendantSon 2017-05-19T18:45:02-05:00So.prot pallies should have a 915+ item level? I wonder if an almost 903 can pull it off.Commento di Istaroon 2017-05-19T20:44:51-05:00Wow, impressive Wowhead!
Sub Rogue Mage Tower Appearance
Way to go.Commento di DONalexon 2017-05-20T05:30:28-05:00So.prot pallies should have a 915+ item level? I wonder if an almost 903 can pull it off.rrA prot pally friend was 906 when he did it, but you don't want to know how many tries he had to do:D, even replaced a keyboard:P, but he did it. It also helps alot your weapon traits.Commento di ONCHEhapon 2017-05-20T07:47:17-05:00So.prot pallies should have a 915+ item level? I wonder if an almost 903 can pull it off.rrA prot pally friend was 906 when he did it, but you don't want to know how many tries he had to do:D, even replaced a keyboard:P, but he did it. It also helps alot your weapon traits.rrProt pallies got the short end of the sticks for the tank challenges,somehow the mobs in the paladin version of the challenge have 220% the health of the ones in druid version,and around 150-160% of the ones in DK versionCommento di Htacidon 2017-05-20T12:00:44-05:00Thank you for these guides! Was able to get my fury artifact challenge appearance by changing up a few things i never knew until i read the Fury Warrior guide.
^^Commento di Zygoson 2017-05-20T12:39:04-05:00How about fixing the amount of spam from ads we get that slows down and locks up your pages. I'm tired of getting the 'Aw snap! Google Chrome ran out of memory while trying to display this webpage' message. I love your guides, but your ads are overkill.
This is why people use the ad blockers.Commento di Swinnyon 2017-05-20T12:50:50-05:00Compared to the marksmen hunters guide, the prot warrior guide is piss poor and barely covers the encounterCommento di nitrocb05on 2017-05-20T13:12:16-05:00Great guide thanksCommento di perculiaon 2017-05-20T13:30:06-05:00How about fixing the amount of spam from ads we get that slows down and locks up your pages. I'm tired of getting the 'Aw snap! Bi publisher word 2016 64-bit disabled windows 10. Google Chrome ran out of memory while trying to display this webpage' message.
Wow Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Walkthrough
I love your guides, but your ads are overkill. This is why people use the ad blockers.rrOur stance on advertisements, efforts to work with the ad providers, and what the Wowhead staff can/can't control are documented in this Advertising FAQ Sticky.
Our most recent update to the thread was this past week, we were able to hire an ad screening company and a new additional employee to work on ad reports, to hopefully root out the bad ads faster:rrAddiitonally, as of May '17, we now use an Ad Screening company that uses various tools and techniques to monitor the ads displayed on our site. If it finds one that is outside our guidelines, or is in anyway disruptive, we'll be notified.
Further, those additional type of reports are managed by a new employee who will take appropriate actions by getting them removed from their respective ad networks. Monitoring these reports, and proactively our ads, will be this individual's primary focus.Commento di perculiaon 2017-05-20T13:31:24-05:00Compared to the marksmen hunters guide, the prot warrior guide is piss poor and barely covers the encounterrrIf there are specifics you'd like us to improve on, please let us know! Either here, or messaging the writer in our Discord, or via. We would like our content to be the highest quality possible.Commento di Nzallon 2017-05-20T15:48:48-05:00I feel like the frost DK guide is pretty poor quality and could use some editing to at least fix the many run-on sentences.Commento di perculiaon 2017-05-20T16:50:49-05:00I feel like the frost DK guide is pretty poor quality and could use some editing to at least fix the many run-on sentences.rrSimilar to the Protection Guide feedback, if there is a specific detail please let us know. We can ask the writer to take another pass on the grammar, but it appears to have all the sections in place (legendaries, consumables, talents, etc). Do you feel the guide is missing an important piece of information, or is it mainly about sentence structure, or something else?Commento di sakeraon 2017-05-21T00:37:08-05:00We can ask the writer to take another pass on the grammarrrPlease do this. A whole paragraph should not consist of just one run-on sentence.
This issue is repeated throughout the guide. Makes it very hard to read and follow.Commento di Nzallon 2017-05-21T01:47:58-05:00I feel like the frost DK guide is pretty poor quality and could use some editing to at least fix the many run-on sentences.rrSimilar to the Protection Guide feedback, if there is a specific detail please let us know. We can ask the writer to take another pass on the grammar, but it appears to have all the sections in place (legendaries, consumables, talents, etc). Do you feel the guide is missing an important piece of information, or is it mainly about sentence structure, or something else?rrit is mainly the sentence structure. For example, the bit about what legendaries to use is 5 lines, but only has 2 sentences. Most legendaries he comments on are in one long run-on sentence. The whole guide is full of run-on sentences.Commento di perculiaon 2017-05-21T09:42:06-05:00The sentences and paragraphs are broken up a bit more, let us know if this is easier to follow.

Thanks for the feedback!Commento di Odyzzleon 2017-05-22T00:09:07-05:00I was 909 ilvl when I did the protection paladin challenge and it took me about 250-300 attempts. I would say the biggest factor is the legendaries, I did it with the Legendary Helm + Sephuz, If I had the legs I think it would of been much easier. I also think there is a lot of luck with the procs you get on avenging shield. If you get bad procs you can fall very far behind on DPS and the adds just overrun you.1.